dates talk

About Bam Mazafati dates

MAZAFATI The pearl of Persia: Mazafati from Bam. Delicate and rich flavor, with notes of caramel. Our customers are amazed by the sweet and soft melting of this unique date. Harvested every year in Bam, a mountainous region of Iran. ...

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How are dates fruit growing?

The Date Harvest & Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Dates The date season really begins early in the year when we clean up the trees after the end of the dormant period. At this time, we have to ...

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The city of Bam history

The city of Bam and its historical citadel, which has been registered by UNESCO as a global heritage; is the largest global historical monument, made of sun-dried mud bricks. The city of Bam is situated east of Kerman Province. This ...

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Health benefits of dates

The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates are good for gaining weight also. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too. These ...

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